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New Orleans Film Fest 2024 Review: Artemis Shaw and Prashanth Kamalakanthan’s “Removal of the Eye” Offers a Sharp Look at Parenting

Woodstock Film Fest 2024 Review: Ondi Timoner Compassionately Chronicles a Hospice That Gives Residents a New Lease on Life in “The Inn Between”

Woodstock Film Fest 2024 Interview: Suha Araj on Stirring the Pot with “Mashed Potatoes”

Montclair Film Fest 2024 Interview: Francine Weinberg Graff on a Rewarding Campaign in “Politics is a Mother, Raising Hell is Part of the Job”

Gabriel Francis Paz Goodenough and Erricka Bridgeford on Illuminating a Coalition for Change in “The Body Politic”